Sermons > God’s Hand in our Suffering

God’s Hand in our Suffering

reflections on Christ - crucifixion

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Text:  Ruth 1

Sermon: God’s Hand in Our Suffering

Date:  January 6, 2013

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In the book of Ruth, the Bible tells the story of a young woman who was lifted to prominence in Israel, even though she and her mother-in-law endured terrible trials.  On January 6, we begin a series of sermons on this book.

When we experience suffering, we are inclined to wonder why, and ask questions about God’s intentions for our struggles.  Naomi suffered multiple tragedies, which prompted her to let other know that she was bitter about her situation.

Suffering often leads to bitterness, and although the book of Ruth does not answer the questions we might have about why we are suffering, it does help us see how God responds to our trials.