All Sermons > Sermons tagged "Colossians"
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Text: Matthew 16:15
Sermon: Who Do You Say I Am?
Date: October 27, 2013
Series: God’s Questions
Listen to Sermon: October 27, 2013 AM Sermon
After Jesus had preached, taught, and healed; he paused in His ministry, to prompt the disciples to think about what they were witnessing. He wanted them to realize that His ministry was more than a prophetic fad that would bring momentary momentum to God’s people. He longed for them to recognize that He was the One God had promised long ago.
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Text: John 1:38
Sermon: What Do You Want?
Date: October 20, 2013
Series: God’s Questions
Listen to audio: October 20, 2013 AM Sermon
When Jesus begins recruiting disciples, he asks them a powerful question. What do you want? It prompts his prospective disciples to consider what is important to them, and where their priorities lie.
People live with conflicting desires. We want to save money, but we also want to have a nice vacation. We want to lose weight, but we also want to eat dessert. Jesus’ question prompts us to consider what is truly important and valuable.
It is an important question, because once we realize what is truly important, we start to recognize that Jesus provides what is best.
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Text: 1 Kings 19:9
Sermon: What Are You Doing Here?
Date: October 13, 2013
Series: Questions from God
Listen to audio: October 13, 2013 AM Sermon
Elijah was tired of doing God’s work, and decided to hide. While resting in a cave, God found him, and confronted him with the reality of his own actions.
God loves His people so much, that He will not let them roam away from Him and hideout from fulfilling their purposes. Although it is hard to be confronted by our own cowardice or laziness, God works to awaken us to the reality of our condition, in order to bring us back into His plans.
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Text: Genesis 32:27
Sermon: What Is Your Name?
Date: October 6, 2013
Series: Questions from God
When Jacob wrestled with God, God asked for His name. Before the night was over, Jacob had a new name, and a new direction for his life. God is the giver of life, and He calls His people to new identities in Him.
On Sunday, September 29, Rev. David Adams will lead our morning worship service.
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Text: Genesis 4:9
Sermon: Where Is Your Brother?
Date: September 22, 2013
Series: Questions from God
In Genesis 4, we see God interacting with a guilty man who needs to face the reality of his sin. By asking the question of His brother’s location, God forces Cain to consider his responsibilities, as well as the consequences of his actions.
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Text: Genesis 3:9
Sermon: Where Are You?
Date: September 15, 2013
Series: Questions from God
Why would God ask questions? If he knows all things, He would not need to gain new knowledge from His people. However, there are a number of times in the Bible when God asks direct questions of His people.
This fall, we will explore times in the Bible when God asks questions of His people. We will see that the questions are not intended so that God can gain knowledge, but asked so that His people think about the answers.
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Text: Leviticus 26:1-46
Sermon: The Consequences of God’s Presence
Date: September 8, 2013
Series: Leviticus: Coming Back to God
In Leviticus 26, God explains to the people of Israel that His presence can be a tremendous blessing, so long as they live within the covenant promises. However, He also warns that there are tragic consequences for walking away from Him.
Text: Leviticus 25:1-55
Sermon: Jubilee
Date: September 1, 2013
Series: Leviticus: Coming Back to God
When debts pile up to an insurmountable point, and it seems useless to even try to get our affairs set right, where do we turn? In Leviticus 25, God instructed His people to set aside every 50th year as a year of Jubilee, when accounts would be set right. This text helps us see God’s foresight to offer grace to people who have fallen.
Text: Leviticus 21-22
Sermon: Holiness and God’s Leaders
Date: August 25, 2013
Series: Leviticus: Coming Back to God
Listen to audio: August 25, 2013 AM Sermon
Leaders are called to a high standard, and when leaders fail to conduct themselves according to high standards, everyone suffers. In Leviticus 21-22, God helps His people recognize the high standards he sets for people who are called into leadership and service for His Kingdom.