All Sermons > Sermons tagged "Colossians"
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Text: Ruth 1
Sermon: God’s Hand in Our Suffering
Date: January 6, 2013
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In the book of Ruth, the Bible tells the story of a young woman who was lifted to prominence in Israel, even though she and her mother-in-law endured terrible trials. On January 6, we begin a series of sermons on this book.
When we experience suffering, we are inclined to wonder why, and ask questions about God’s intentions for our struggles. Naomi suffered multiple tragedies, which prompted her to let other know that she was bitter about her situation.
Suffering often leads to bitterness, and although the book of Ruth does not answer the questions we might have about why we are suffering, it does help us see how God responds to our trials.
Worship Preview:
Date: December 30, 2012
Text: Acts 2:29-47
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On Sunday, December 30, Rev. Rich Blauw led our morning worship service.
Text: John 1:14-18
Sermon: Word Became Flesh
Date: December 25, 2012
Listen to audio:Christmas Day 2012
On December 25, we will gather for a Christmas morning worship service at 9:30 am. Our message will focus on the truth of God being present in our midst as we conclude our Advent series on John 1.
Sermon Preview:
Text: John 1:12-13
Sermon: Word of Hope
Date: December 23, 2012
Listen to audio: December 23, 2012 AM Sermon
If you want to read the story of Jesus’ birth, you will probably look to the gospels of Matthew or Luke. There you find the stories of angels, shepherds, wise men, and a stable. You wouldn’t read Mark, because that gospel begins with Jesus’ ministry, and skips the story of His birth altogether. You probably would not read John, even though his gospel does contain a unique telling of the story of Christmas. This year, during the season of Advent, we will consider John’s unique telling of the Christmas narrative.
On December 23, our sermon focus on the hope that is found in Christ.
Sermon Preview:
Text: John 1:1-10
Sermon: Word in the World
Date: December 16, 2012
Listen to audio: December 16, 2012 AM Sermon
If you want to read the story of Jesus’ birth, you will probably look to the gospels of Matthew or Luke. There you find the stories of angels, shepherds, wise men, and a stable. You wouldn’t read Mark, because that gospel begins with Jesus’ ministry, and skips the story of His birth altogether. You probably would not read John, even though his gospel does contain a unique telling of the story of Christmas. This year, during the season of Advent, we will consider John’s unique telling of the Christmas narrative.
On December 16, our Sunday School Children will remind us of the story of Jesus’ birth, as they present the play, “The Good News Flash.”
Our sermon this morning will focus on Christ’s ongoing work through His people in the world.
Sermon Preview:
Text: John 1:3-5
Sermon: Word and Creation
Date: December 9, 2012
Listen to audio: December 9, 2012 AM Sermon
If you want to read the story of Jesus’ birth, you will probably look to the gospels of Matthew or Luke. There you find the stories of angels, shepherds, wise men, and a stable. You wouldn’t read Mark, because that gospel begins with Jesus’ ministry, and skips the story of His birth altogether. You probably would not read John, even though his gospel does contain a unique telling of the story of Christmas. This year, during the season of Advent, we will consider John’s unique telling of the Christmas narrative.
Sermon Preview:
Text: John 1:1-2
Sermon: Word with God
Date: December 2, 2012
Listen to audio: December 2, 2012 AM Sermon
If you want to read the story of Jesus’ birth, you will probably look to the gospels of Matthew or Luke. There you find the stories of angels, shepherds, wise men, and a stable. You wouldn’t read Mark, because that gospel begins with Jesus’ ministry, and skips the story of His birth altogether. You probably would not read John, even though his gospel does contain a unique telling of the story of Christmas. This year, during the season of Advent, we will consider John’s unique telling of the Christmas narrative.
December 2 is the first Sunday of Advent, and our message focuses on John’s words that tell us Jesus was with God from the beginning of time.
Text: Ruth 1
Sermon: A Cling of Godly Love
Listen to audio: November 25 AM Sermon
On Sunday, November 25, Rev. Rick William led our morning worship service and preached from the book of Ruth.
Sermon Preview:
Text: Daniel 4
Sermon: Exalt Myself
Listen to audio: November 18, AM Sermon
Nebuchadnezzar was king of the Babylonian Empire almost 600 years before Christ was born. During his lifetime, he was arguably the most powerful and influential ruler who had ever lived. Most of the known world was under his political power. During his reign, he accomplished wonderful building projects and was able to glean wisdom and insights from the nations of the known world.
In Daniel 4, we read a unique story, which seems to be written by Nebuchadnezzar, that chronicles his descent from what appeared to be the ultimate position to power, to a man who struggled to maintain his sanity. At the center of this struggle was a desire to be exalted and a refusal to acknowledge God.
Perhaps one of the most difficult idols to defeat is the idolatry of self. When we live to satisfy ourselves and see our name exalted, we can run into the problem of ignoring God. In this last sermon in our series on contemporary idols, we will consider Nebuchadnezzar’s fall from power as a warning to acknowledge God’s power in our lives.
Sermon Preview:
Text: Ephesians 6:16-20
Sermon: The Pursuit of Happiness
Listen to Audio: November 11, 2012 AM Sermon
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
-The Declaration of Independence
Happiness is an ideal that we wish for others, and pursue for ourselves. But is it a worthwhile pursuit?
In light of the words of The Declaration of Independence, many people have taken the pursuit of happiness as something that is almost considered sacred. But happiness is elusive. We might be happy for a moment, but sooner or later something changes, and our happiness fades.
If the elusive and fleeting feeling of happiness becomes the primary pursuit of our lives, we are chasing something that will not satisfy. In Ephesians 6, the Bible gives us a vision for a pursuit that is a more fulfilling and lasting focus that stands in sharp contrast to the temporary nature of feeling happy.