All Sermons > Sermons tagged "divorce"
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Text: Joshua 24:15
Sermon: Who We Worship
Date: January 5, 2014
Series: Commandments
Listen to Sermon:Track 1
On Sunday, January 5, we will begin the new year with a series of sermons on the Ten Commandments. In Joshua 24, God’s people are challenged to consider where their loyalties will lie.
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Date: December 29, 2013
This Sunday, Rev. Rick Williams will be leading our morning worship service.
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Text: Jeremiah 29:11-13
Sermon: Plans to Prosper
Date: December 25, 2013
Series: Christmas
When God sent His Son to be born in a stable and visited by shepherds, he was enacting a plan that He had promised in the Old Testament. In our Christmas Morning message, we will consider how our expectations and God’s plans can look drastically different.
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Text: Luke 2:25-35
Sermon: Simeon’s Praise
Date: December 22, 2013
Series: Advent
Listen to Sermon: Track 1
Simeon had waited a long time to see God breaking into the mess that sin had caused in the world, and he had been assured that God would allow him to witness the unfolding of His plan. In Luke 2, we see Simeon’s hopes realized.
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Text: Matthew 1:18-25
Sermon: Joseph’s Doubts
Date: December 15, 2013
Series: Advent
Listen to Sermon:December 15, 2013 AM Sermon
On Sunday morning, we will consider the Christmas events through the eyes of Joseph. Can you imagine the emotion that Joseph must have experienced when he found out his fiancé was going to have a baby? Matthew 1 tells us the story of Joseph’s reaction to the news of the coming Messiah.
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Text: Luke 1:5-25
Sermon: Zechariah’s Longing
Date: December 8, 2013
Series: Advent
During the season of Advent, we will be looking at the Christmas events through the eyes of some of the characters in the Bible. This week, we will be considering Zechariah, a man who served God, and who had faced the disappointment of unfulfilled hopes.
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Date: December 1, 2013
Series: Advent
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On December 1, Rev. Herm Schutt will lead our morning worship service.
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Text: Exodus 4:2
Sermon: What’s In Your Hand?
Date: November 24, 2013
Series: Questions from God
Listne to Sermon: November 24, 2013 AM Sermon
When God freed the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt, He used people and items that seemed common to do something remarkable. Moses had fallen from a prince to an exile, but he was now called by God to lead. God demonstrates His power to take that which seems common for a remarkable purpose when He talks to Moses.
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Text: Genesis 3:9
Sermon: Where Are You?
Date: November 17, 2013
Series: Questions from God
Listen to Sermon: Novmeber 17, 2013 Am Sermon
After Adam and Even first sinned, God came to find them. He asked the question, “Where Are You?” The question was not intended to help God glean information, but to compel Adam and Even to consider what they had done. It was not about a geographic location, but it forced them to consider how their actions had affected their relationship with God.
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Text: John 5:6
Sermon: Do You Want to Get Well?
Date: November 10, 2013
Series: Questions from God
Listen to Sermon: November 10, 2013 AM Sermon
When Jesus meets a man who had not been able to walk for over thirty years, He asks what seems to be a silly question, “Do you want to get well?” There are times we grow accustomed to our struggles, and we don’t know what we would do if they were no longer present. On Sunday morning, we will see how Jesus prompts this man to participate in Christ’s work to restore.