All Sermons > Sermons tagged "forgiveness"
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Text: Proverbs 9
Sermon: Learn to Tell the Difference
Date: August 17, 2014
Series: The Wise Way
Listen to the Sermon:August 17, 2014
Sometimes it is difficult to know how to respond to our circumstances. Proverbs 9 encourages us to learn to recognize the difference between wise responses and disastrous decisions.
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Text: Proverbs 8
Sermon: Find Wisdom
Date: August 10, 2014
Series: The Wise Way
Listen to Sermon:August 10, 2014
Even though we tend to admire independent thinkers who can creatively address their circumstances, Proverbs reminds us that there is great value in learning to make effective decisions by imitating the wise decisions of others.
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Text: Proverbs 7
Sermon: Avoid Temptation
Date: August 3, 2014
Series: The Wise Way
Listen to Sermon:August 3, 2014
We all have the capacity to be evil, or act with integrity. Sometimes the difference between those two extremes lies the decision we make about our surroundings. Proverbs warns us to stay away from circumstances that will lead us to fall.
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Text: Proverbs 6:20-35
Sermon: Be Faithful
Date: July 27, 2014
Series: The Wise Way
Listen to Sermon: July 27, 2014
Proverbs teaches us the following God’s instruction is a kind of commitment that should be taken seriously.
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Text: Proverbs 6:1-19
Sermon: Be Careful
Date: July 20, 2014
Series: Proverbs: The Wise Way
Listen to sermon: July 20, 2014
Proverbs is filled with practical insights for living well. In Proverbs 6, we read a description of the consequences of three common human flaws, as well as some warning to avoid these pitfalls.
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Text: John 20:1-10
Sermon: Resurrection
Date: April 20, 2014
Series: Easter Sunday
Listen to Sermon: Easter Sermon
Join us Easter Sunday as we celebrate Christ’s victory.
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Text: Matthew 15:21-28
Sermon: Begging for Bread Crumbs
Date: April 13, 2014
Series: Lent
Listen to Sermon: April 13, 2014
Jesus has a test for His disciples in Matthew 15, to see whether they are able to understand the priorities of His heart. In administering the test, he seems rude to a woman who is seeking help for her daughter. In this message, we will see how the disciples, as well as the Canaanite woman, respond to their tests.
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Text: Mark 10:17-31
Sermon: Almost Impossible
Date: April 6, 2014
Series: Lent
Listen to Sermon: April 6, 2014
The story of Mark 10 seems to be bad news for people who are happy with their lives, or who have experienced financial success. This Sunday morning, we will learn that Jesus is not speaking against financial prosperity, but rather, He teaches us about the nature of our hearts and the power of God.
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Text: Luke 18:1-8
Sermon: Persistent Prayer
Date: March 30, 2014
Series: Lent
Listen to sermon: March 30, 2014
In Luke 18, we meet a woman who pursues justice, even thought it seems hard to come by. It is easy to take this story and turn it into a lesson about how we pray. During this Sunday of Lent, our focus will not be on prayer, but what this story teaches us about the character of God.
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Text: Matthew 18:21-22
Sermon: The Sting of 490 Offenses
Date: March 23, 2014
Series: Lent
Listen to Sermon: March 23, 2014
During the season of Lent, we will study some of Jesus’ teachings that may seem more difficult to understand or follow. In today’s text, we find Him instructing His followers to go above what seems normal and reasonable, in order to forgive offenses.