All Sermons > Sermons tagged "love"

After the Disaster: Cope

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Text:  Jeremiah 29:1-7

Sermon:  Cope

Date:  September 22, 2019

Series:  After the Disaster

Listen to SermonSEPTEMBER 22, 2019 AM Sermon

After the Disaster: Morn

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Text:  Lamentations 1:1-6

Sermon:  Mourn

Date:  September 15, 2019

Series:  After the Disaster

Listen to Sermon:SEPTEMBER 15, 2019 AM Sermon

Pledging Love

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Text:  1 Samuel 20

Sermon:  Pledging Love

Date:  September 8, 2019

Series:  Difficult People

Listen to Sermon:SEPTEMBER 8, 2019 AM Sermon

Showing Grace

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Text:  1 Samuel 24

Sermon:  Showing Grace

Date:  September 1, 2019

Series:  Dealing with Difficult People

Listen to the Sermon: SEPTEMBER 1, 2019 AM Sermon

Speaking Truth

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Text:  1 Samuel 15

Sermon:  Speaking Truth

Date:  August 25, 2019

Series:  Dealing with Difficult People

A Monument to a Misery


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Pastor Laryn Zoerhof

Text:  2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Sermon:  A Monument to a Misery

Date:  August 18, 2019

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A New World Order

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Guest Pastor Preaching

Text: Daniel 2

Sermon:  A New World Order

Date:  August 11, 2019

Listen to Sermon:AUGUST 11, 2019 AM Sermon


Understanding Providence



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Text:  1 Samuel 16

Sermon:  Understanding Providence

Date:  August 4, 2019

Series:  Dealing with Difficult People

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The Work of the Holy Spirit: Gifts

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Text:  1 Corinthians 12:1-11

Sermon:  Gifts for Service

Date:  July 28, 2019

Series:  The Work of the Holy Spirit

Listen to Sermon:JULY 28, 2019 AM Sermon

The Work of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom

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Text:  1 Corinthians 2

Sermon:  A New Kind of Wisdom

Date:  July 21, 2019

Series:  The Work of the Holy Spirit

Listen to Sermon:JULY 21, 2019 AM Service