All Sermons > Sermons tagged "new year"
Text: Leviticus 21-22
Sermon: Holiness and God’s Leaders
Date: August 25, 2013
Series: Leviticus: Coming Back to God
Listen to audio: August 25, 2013 AM Sermon
Leaders are called to a high standard, and when leaders fail to conduct themselves according to high standards, everyone suffers. In Leviticus 21-22, God helps His people recognize the high standards he sets for people who are called into leadership and service for His Kingdom.
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Text: Leviticus 19:1-37
Sermon: Holiness and Our Neighbors
Date: August 18, 2013
Series: Leviticus: Coming Back to God
Listen to audio: August 18, 2013 AM Sermon
When we are restored to a right relationship with God, it transforms the way we relate to the people around us. In Leviticus 19, we hear God’s instructions that will help us experience the blessings of fellowship with others.
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Special Outdoor Worship Service
Date: August 11, 2013
Share the Rock Sunday
On Sunday, August 11, we will be joining Mercy Hill Church as we gather at the gazebo of Main Square Park (just across the street from our church) for our annual outdoor worship service. This service will follow the Share the Rock Basketball Camp, our summer outreach ministry.
Please join us at a special time (10:00 am) for this worship service. Immediately following our worship service, we will come back to church for a potluck lunch.
There will be no afternoon worship service this day.
On Sunday, August 4, Rev. Richard Blauw will be leading our morning worship service.
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Text: Leviticus 18:1-30
Sermon: Holiness and Sexuality
Date: July 28, 2013
Series: Leviticus: Coming Back to God
We have a tendency to compartmentalize our lives. Even if we understand that we are called to worship God alone and trust Him for our salvation, we might be prone to think that God’s will has little bearing on our personal lives, our vacations, our careers, or even our finances. In Leviticus 18, we gain a glimpse of the comprehensive nature of God’s will for our lives.
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Text: Leviticus 10:1-20
Sermon: God Be Glorified
Date: July 21, 2013
Series: Leviticus: Coming Back to God
The holiness of God should not be taken lightly. In our text for Sunday, we will read a strange story of sacrifices being improperly offered to God. In this account, we see God teaching His people that the call to be in God’s presence is a high calling that should be pursued diligently and carefully.
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Text: Leviticus 8
Sermon: Set Apart to Serve
Date: July 14, 2013
Series: Leviticus: Coming Back to God
Listen to audio: July 14, AM Sermon
We like to think of salvation as a comfortable place where we are satisfied. In Leviticus 8, we gain a different perspective as we recognize that God has set His people apart in order to pursue His plans.
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Text: Leviticus 1-7
Sermon: Making Up
Date: July 7, 2013
Series: Leviticus: Coming Back to God
Listen to Audio:July 7, 2013, AM Sermon
The book of Leviticus is often overlooked because it is perceived to contain unnecessary laws about food, sacrifice, and clothing. This Sunday, we will begin a series of sermons on this book, and we will discover that in this early book of the Bible, we will find a pointed description of the problems that sin has caused us. We will also see the God’s deep desire to restore His people to Himself and help them live up to the high standard of holiness.
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Text: Proverbs 20:6
Sermon: Putting on the New You: Loyalty
Date: June 30, 2013
Series: Virtues
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In a day when commitments seem fleeting, the virtue of loyalty may seem outdated. On Sunday morning, we will read the timeless wisdom of Proverbs that directs us to faithfulness in our relationships.
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Text: Matthew 23:12
Sermon: Putting on the New You: Humility
Date: June 23, 2013
Series: Virtues
Listen to Audio: June 23, AM Sermon
The Bible tells us that humility is a virtue that we must cultivate if we want to be exalted. On Sunday morning, we will consider the counter-intuitive call to humble ourselves before God.