All Sermons > Sermons tagged "Worship"

Can I Know God Personally?

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Text:  John 14:1-6

Sermon:  Can I Know God Personally?

Date:  February 24, 2019

Series:  Explore God

Listen to Sermon:FEBRUARY 24, 2019 AM Service

Is The Bible Reliable?

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Text:  1 Timothy 3:16

Sermon:  Is the Bible Reliable?

Date:  February 17, 2019

Series:  Explore God

Listen to Sermon:FEBRUARY 17, 2019 AM Service

Is Jesus Really God?

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Text:  John 1:1-18

Sermon:  Is Jesus Really God?

Date:  February 10, 2019

Series:  Explore God

Listen to Sermon:FEBRUARY 10, 2019 AM Sermon

Is Christianity Too Narrow?

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Text:  Acts 4:1-21

Sermon:  Is Christianity Too Narrow?

Date:  February 3, 2019

Series:  Explore God

Listen to Sermon:FEBRUARY 3, 2019 AM Service

Why Does God Allow Pain?

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Text:  James 1:2-18

Sermon:  Why Does God Allow Pain?

Date:  January 27, 2019

Series:  Explore God

Listen to Sermon:JANUARY 27, 2019 AM Service

Is There a God?

Sermon Preview:

Text:  Romans 1:18-20

Sermon:  Is There a God?

Date:  January 20, 2019

Series:  Explore God

Listen to Sermon:JANUARY 20, 2019 AM Service

Does Life Have a Purpose?

Sermon Preview:

Text:  Psalm 73

Sermon:  Does Life Have a Purpose?

Date:  January 13, 2019

Series:  Explore God

Listen to Sermon:JANUARY 13, 2018 AM Service

The Generosity of Jesus

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Rev. Lance Davids Preaching

Text: Luke 17:11-19

Sermon:  The Generosity of Jesus

Date:  January 6, 2019

Listen to Sermon:JANUARY 6, 2019 AM Service


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Text:  Zechariah 7:9-10

Sermon:  Flourishing

Date:  December 30, 2018

Due to some technical issues, we were unable to record the sermon.

Establishing the Kingdom

Sermon Preview:

Text:  Luke 2

Sermon:  Establishing the Kingdom

Date:  December 25, 2018

Series:  The Big Picture of Christmas