Sermons > Sermon on the Mount: Salt and Light
Sermon on the Mount: Salt and Light
Audio of Sermon:
Matthew 5:13-16
“Salt and Light”
On Sunday morning, June 3, we will begin a series of sermons that highlight Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (found in Matthew 5-7).
The Sermon on the Mount contains instructions for following Christ. It begins with the Beatitudes, a list of unlikely character traits that Jesus highlights as leading to blessing. In the rest of the discourse, Jesus includes instructions about a wide variety of issues including prayer, marriage, judgment, the Old Testament law, lust, and loving your enemies.
In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus tells his disciples that they should be “salt and light” in the world. His description may be odd to us, but it tells us at least two things:
First, salt and light add value by preserving, adding flavor, and offering guidance. Christ’s followers have a mission to serve and be a blessing.
Second, Jesus says they are to be in the world. Jesus’ mission compels His followers to be outwardly mobile, rather than inwardly protective. We are not called to be a sheltered community of people who are only seeing inner peace. Rather, we are to actively seek to be Christ’s presence in a world that is often hostile toward Him and His Kingdom.